Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile

Pages 71 - 170
Abril - Junio 1988

Identificatiori of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus in Chile, by Enzyme-Linked lmmunosorbent Assay
Authors: Lucy Ascui M. y Mario Alvarez A.
Pages 71-74 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Yield losses in wheat caused by the natural infeetion of BYDV, in trials maintained during 10 seasons, from 1976 to 1985. Santiago, Chile
Authors: Guido Herrera M. y Carlos Quiroz E.
Pages 75-80 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Reproductive variables in Suffolk Down ewes as a function of the age of the dam
Authors: Christian Crempien L. y Julia Avendaño R.
Pages 81-85 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
The effect of methylcarbamates on the development of cereal aphids'| (Hom., Aphididae) populations and their natural enemies, on wheat
Authors: Carlos Quiroz E.
Pages 86-92 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Effect of artificial Iodging on lentil yield and its components, at four plant population leveis
Authors: Enrique Peñaloza H. y Mario Mera K.
Pages 93-96 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Milk production from direct grazing of birdsfoot trefoil, alfalfa and red clover
Authors: Carlos Pedraza G., Ignacio Tamés A. y Hernán Olguín H.
Pages 97-101 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Three winter management systems, for autumn calving dairy cows
Authors: Ljubo Goic M.
Pages 102-105 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Chemical control of monilia, powdery mildew, peach leaf curl and shot-hole in nectarines Late Legrand
Authors: Adriana Pinto de T. e Iris Carreña I.
Pages 106-110 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Growth curves of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) varieties, in the irrigated central zone of Chile
Authors: Luis Soto K. y Horacio López T.
Pages 111-119 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Fertility levels in Hereford females, artificially inseminated and synchronized with prostaglandin F2&|*, with and without GnRH
Authors: Carlos Pedraza G., Mario Duchens A. y Walter Van Frey G.
Pages 120-126 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Response to nitrogen and phosphorous of tal! and semidwarf wheat cultivars. II. Variations in someindexes of grain quality
Authors: Mario Mellado Z. y Denise Granger Z.
Pages 127-136 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Use of nitrification inhibitors, nitrapyrin and thiourea on spring sown wheat
Authors: Iván Vidal P. y Luis Longeri S.
Pages 137-141 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Persistent pesticide residues in natural resources of the Aconcagua valley
Authors: Claudio Ciudad B. y Stella Moyano A.
Pages 142-146 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Biochemistry of soils derived from volcanic ashes. VII. Dehydrogenases determination
Authors: María Aguilera S., Gilda Borie B., Pamela Rokov C. y Pedro Peirano V.
Pages 147-151 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Spatial distribution of Panonychus ulmi (Koeh, 1836) (Aearina: Tetranyehidae) and sample size estimates on apple traes (Malus sylvestris Mill), Gala ev.
Authors: René R. Vargas M.
Pages 152-157 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Identification of Botrytis cinerea Pers. on lentils (Lens culinaris Med.) in Chile
Authors: Andrés France I., Paulina Sepúlveda R. y Juan Tay U.
Pages 158-160 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Septoria avenae (Frank.), new pathogen identified on oats, in Chile
Authors: Orlando Andrade V.
Pages 161-163 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
External sex differences and larvae'|s characteristics of the European pine shoot moth, Rhyacionia buoliana (Schiff.) (Lep.: Tortricidae)
Authors: Ernesto Prado C. y Hernán Donoso R.
Pages: 164-166 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
Boron toxicity induced by ulexite applications in sorne drip irrigated fruit crops at Cauquenes, Chile
Authors: Arturo Lavín A.
Pages: 167-170 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |